Member Only

700 West Olive Ave. Suite E
Merced, CA, Telephone # 209- 723 5005
On behalf of myself and our entire dental team, we
welcome you to our office. We hope you will find the
atmosphere here friendly, our accommodations
comfortable, and our technical services exceptional.
Our desire is to provide you with dental care that can
enhance the quality of your life, as such, we are
pleased to offer you complete dental care in one
convenient location.
A variety of restorative and preventive dental services
- each designed to extend the life of your teeth and
total dental health; contributing to your physical
comfort, outer appearance, and your inner confidence.

Establishing rewarding and lasting relationships with
patients is important to us. We pledge excellence in all
we do, and we look forward to helping you make the
most of your smile now, and for all the years to come.
Member Only